For many years I spent my "quiet" time in a very small computer/craft/catch-all room. This small room was fine when I only used it as my office space, but then I started working on different arts & crafts. This is when the drafting table, storage bins, cutter, beads, card stock, paints and other crafting items started to take up so much room that I would have to move piles just to get to my work space. It got to the point where it wasn't much fun trying to create a card or piece of jewelry, especially when I couldn't find the supplies I needed in the mess. Greg, bless his heart, knew I needed more room, so with Paul's ok, we moved him back down to the basement, moved Greg's computer and editing decks into my old computer/craft/catch-all room and I moved into Paul's old bedroom. I love my new room, I have space for my crafts, my computer, my mom's old sewing machine (which has been stored for years), my drafting table, printer, cutter, desk, a second work table, storage bins, and a comfy chair that belonged to my parents. My new room brings me such peace, I feel like I have a place to really call my own. Not that my first room wasn't my own, it just turned into everybody's place to dump papers, mail...etc.... I didn't even have to ask the boys to keep their stuff out of my area, I think they just knew, so far nothing that doesn't belong in there has been "dropped off". Ahhhhhhhh.......
1 comment:
That's great that you have a new, organized space now! I'm sure it's such a releif for you. && I'm glad Paul gave up his room too, that was really nice. Now you can continue your passion for crafts and jewelry without much frustration =] I hope you're having fun!
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